Founded in 2018 in the serene village of Chalakkadavu, nestled in the picturesque Kasargod District of Kerala, Papla is a testament to the power of local initiatives and the desire to make a positive impact on both people's lives and the environment.

Devakumar and Saranya, driven by a deep-rooted passion for sustainability, embarked on this journey to create a world that generates as little waste as possible while maximizing the value of products and resources. Their vision was to build a community that understands the significance of conscious consumption and embraces products that bring value to people's lives while minimizing harm to the environment.

At the core of Papla's mission lies a commitment to empowering change at the grassroots level. Devakumar's native village provided the perfect backdrop to establish the foundation of their vision. They recognized that even the smallest actions can ripple outward, creating a profound impact on local communities and the planet as a whole.

Since its inception, Papla has blossomed into a platform that offers natural, sustainable, and eco-friendly alternatives to everyday products. By utilizing fallen sheaths of the arecanut palm, Papla crafts exquisite tableware that is not only biodegradable but also compostable. This innovative approach ensures that each product serves its purpose without leaving a lasting ecological footprint.

Papla's growth has been marked by numerous milestones and accomplishments. From the humble beginnings in their village, the company has expanded its reach, gaining recognition for its unwavering commitment to quality, sustainability, and social responsibility. Devakumar and Saranya have worked tirelessly to build strong relationships with local communities, empowering women and boosting the rural Indian economy in the process.

The impact of Papla extends far beyond the products it offers. By promoting a less-waste lifestyle, they inspire individuals and communities to take proactive steps towards a more sustainable future. Through their dedication to ethical manufacturing practices, they foster an environment of inclusivity, empowerment, and fair trade.

Papla invites you to join their movement towards a world that values conscious consumption, sustainable practices, and the well-being of both people and the environment. Together, let us forge a path towards a brighter future, one where every choice we make contributes to the preservation of our planet and the betterment of humanity.

Are you ready to be part of the change? Join Papla on this remarkable journey and let's create a world that thrives on sustainable solutions and a deep respect for our natural resources. Together, we can make a lasting impact, one small step at a time.

“We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” - Howard Zinn