At Papla, our journey is rooted in the lush landscapes of Kerala, India, where the abundance of fallen areca palm leaves sparked an innovative idea. Our founders, driven by a passion for sustainability and a vision for a greener future, saw potential in these leaves that would otherwise go to waste. With a mission to create eco-friendly alternatives to traditional disposable tableware, we embarked on a journey to transform these natural resources into high-quality, biodegradable products.

From the outset, our focus has been on sustainable practices and community engagement. We collect fallen areca palm leaves, ensuring no trees are cut down in the process. This not only minimizes environmental impact but also promotes a circular economy where waste is turned into valuable resources. Our production process is designed to be as eco-friendly as possible, using minimal energy and water, and avoiding the use of harmful chemicals.

Our commitment extends beyond environmental sustainability to social responsibility. By partnering with local communities in Kerala, we create meaningful employment opportunities and provide fair wages, contributing to the region's economic upliftment. Our factory employs a diverse workforce, with a significant number of women, empowering them and fostering inclusive growth. Through our efforts, we support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by promoting responsible consumption and production, decent work, and economic growth.

Papla's journey is one of innovation, community, and sustainability. From the initial idea to our current operations, we have remained dedicated to making a positive impact on the planet and the lives of the people we work with. Our story is a testament to the power of sustainable entrepreneurship and the difference it can make in creating a better, greener future for all.

“We don’t have to engage in grand, heroic actions to participate in change. Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” - Howard Zinn